

Donald Trump has ruled out another presidential his rival Kamala Harris before November’s election. He said on Thursday – two days after the pair’s first showdown in Philadelphia – Harris only wanted a rematch because he “clearly” won.

唐纳德·特朗普已扫除在11月大选前与敌手卡玛拉·哈里斯再举行一场总统辩说的可能性。 在费城首场对决两天后的周四,特朗普体现,哈里斯只想要重赛是由于自己“显然”赢了。


Several polls taken after Tuesday’s indicated voters felt Harris had performed better than her Republican opponent.


Trump added that Harris should “focus” on her job as vice-president. Shortly after, at a rally in North Carolina, Harris responded by saying they “owe” voters another debate because “what is at stake could not be more important”.

特朗普增补说,哈里斯应该“专注于”她的副总统事情。 不久之后,在北卡罗来纳州的一场竞选聚会上,哈里斯回应称,他们“欠”选民另一场辩说,由于“现在的利害关系再主要不过”。

Polls the two candidates are in an tight race with just two months to go before the election.


Both claimed victory after Tuesday’s 90-minute debate on ABC News, in which Harris rattled Trump with a string of attacks that put him on the defensive. These included comments about the size of his rally crowds and his during the 6 January 2021 riot at the US Capitol.

周二在ABC新闻举行的90分钟辩说竣事后,两人均宣称获胜。哈里斯对特朗普提倡了一系列人身攻击,让他处于守势。 这些攻击包括关于特朗普聚会规模以及他在2021年1月6日美国国会大厦骚乱中的行为的谈论。

Trump and his supporters have since accused the two ABC journalists that moderated the debate of being unfair and biased in favour of Harris. He said on Thursday that he did not need another debate.

特朗普及其支持者随后指责两位ABC辩说主持人对哈里斯不公正、有私见。 他周四体现,他不需要再次辩说。

“When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are ‘I want a rematch’,” Trump wrote in a lengthy Social post on Thursday.

“当拳击手输掉角逐时,他脱口而出的第一句话总是‘我要重赛’,”特朗普周四在Truth Social上宣布的一篇长文中写道。

“Polls clearly that I won the debate against comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ radical left candidate… and she called for a second debate,” he added.


The held a rally in Arizona on Thursday and gave an with Telemundo Arizona backstage. “We just don’t think it’s necessary,” he said of a second debate with Harris. “We think we’ve discussed everything and I don’t think they want it either.”

这位前总统周四在亚利桑那州举行了一场聚会,并在后台接受了Telemundo Arizona的采访。 “我们只是以为没有须要再举行一场与哈里斯的辩说,”他说。 “我们以为我们已经讨论了一切,并且我以为他们也不想要。”

The Harris campaign, however, called for a second debate immediately after Philadelphia and continued to do so on Thursday. They said voters “got to see the choice they will face at the ballot box: moving forward with Kamala Harris or going backwards with Trump”.

然而,哈里斯的竞选团队在费城辩说后连忙呼吁举行第二场辩说,并在周四继续呼吁。 他们体现,选民“将看到他们在投票箱前将面临的选择:与卡玛拉·哈里斯一起前进,照旧与特朗普一起倒退”。

“Vice-President Harris is ready for a second debate. Is Donald Trump?” the campaign said.

“副总统哈里斯已准备好举行第二场辩说。 唐纳德·特朗普呢?”竞选团队体现。

Speaking after the debate, Trump campaign surrogates – Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz – said they believed Trump welcome another debate.


However, Trump said on Fox News the following morning that the debate had been “rigged” and that he was “less inclined” to another after his “great night”.

然而,特朗普在第二天早上的 ?怂剐挛胖刑逑,辩说被“使用”了,并且他“不太愿意”在“优美的夜晚”之后再加入一场辩说。

His on Thursday also appeared to contradict earlier messaging from his own campaign. On Wednesday morning, Jason Miller, a adviser to the former president, told CNN that Trump “has already said that he is going to do three debates”.

他周四的决议似乎也与自己竞选团队的早期信息相矛盾。 周三早上,特朗普的前高级照料杰森·米勒告诉美国有线电视新闻网(CNN),特朗普“已经体现他将加入三场辩说”。

Both campaigns had reportedly been in discussions over a debate on NBC News on 25 September. The network has not commented on Trump’s latest statement.

据报道,两个竞选团队一直在就9月25日在NBC新闻举行的辩说举行讨论。 该电视台尚未对特朗普的最新声明揭晓谈论。

‘Trump needs a new angle’


Adam Green, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee – an organisation that has advised the Harris-Walz campaign on messaging – told the BBC that Trump’s decision was a “double favour” to the Harris campaign.


“Voters will have a lasting of Kamala Harris as looking presidential and standing on their side,” he said. “That will do her very well.”

“选民将对卡玛拉·哈里斯留下长期的印象,以为她很有总统风范,站在他们一边,”他说。 “这可能会对她很是有利。”

“Another debate would potentially help Harris, but could also shake up the existing glow that surrounds her,” Mr Green added.


Jeremy Petersen, an voter from Utah, told the BBC that he was not surprised by Trump’s decision.


“If Trump doesn’t feel like he can score some social soundbites, there’s no for him to show up,” said Mr Petersen, who added that he would probably Harris after the Philadelphia debate.


“He felt that Harris wouldn’t have the type of she did and now he’s running scared,” Mr Petersen added. “He can’t stop her momentum via debate so he needs a new angle.”

“他原本以为哈里斯不会有这样的体现,现在他畏惧了,”彼得森增补道。 “他无法通过辩说阻止她的势头,以是他需要一个新的角度。”

Televised debates date back to 1960, when John F Kennedy faced off against Richard Nixon.


There are traditionally two or three presidential debates happening in most election cycles, along with at least one vice-presidential debate.


That tradition, however, was upended in July, when Joe Biden withdrew from the election weeks after a disastrous performance against Trump in the first debate.


The subsequent debate between Harris and Trump followed weeks of back and forth over whether it would go ahead, and under what conditions.


Trump previously suggested additional debates on Fox and NBC News, although Harris only agreed to ABC.

特朗普之前曾提议在 ?怂剐挛藕蚇BC新闻上举行特另外辩说,但哈里斯只赞成加入ABC的辩说。

In his Truth Social post on Thursday, Trump said his rival “refused” to do the additional debates.


Statistics from media analytics firm Nielsen show that 67.1m people watched the debate, a significantly higher than the 51.3m who tuned into the June debate between Trump and Biden.


Polls suggest Harris and Trump are in an extremely tight race in the key battleground of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Thursday indicated Harris had a five-point lead over Trump nationally, while 53% of respondents said that she won Tuesday’s debate.

民调显示,哈里斯和特朗普在宾夕法尼亚州、密歇根州和威斯康星州等要害竞选州之间的竞争异常强烈。 周四路透社/益普索的一项民调显示,哈里斯在天下规模内领先特朗普5个百分点,53%的受访者体现她赢得了周二的辩说。


Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 ; 特朗普 ; 川普

ruled 有横格的,有平行线的 ; 统治 ; 控制 ; 决议 ; 裁定 ; 讯断 ; 支配 ; 使用 ; 

presidential 总统的 ; 与总统有关的

debate 辩说 ; 争论,讨论 ; 讨论 ; 思索 ; 仔细思量 ; 盘算

rival 竞争敌手 ; 与…相匹敌 ; 比得上 ; 竞争的

Kamala 卡玛拉 ; 卡马拉 ; 卡马拉海滩

Harris 哈里斯 ; 哈利斯(William Torrey,1835—1909,美国哲学家及教育家)

showdown 最后的决战 ; 决出输赢的较量

Philadelphia 费城 ; 费拉德尔菲亚

rematch 重赛,复赛







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