

国家统计局30日宣布数据 ,经核算 ,2023年我国“三新”经济增添值为223528亿元 ,比上年增添6.4%(按现价盘算 ,下同) ,比同期海内生产总值(GDP)现价增速高1.8个百分点;相当于GDP的比重为17.73% ,比上年提高0.37个百分点。

The skyline of Beijing. [Photo/VCG]

The added value of new industries, new business formats and new business models, dubbed the “three new” economy, contributed more to China’s last year, data shows Tuesday.

国家统计局30日宣布数据称 ,新工业、新业态、新商业模式即所谓的“三新”经济去年为中国经济增添做出了更多孝顺。

These new growth drivers accounted for 17.73 of the country’s gross domestic (GDP) last year, up 0.37 percentage points from the year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said.

国家统计局称 ,2023年我国“三新”经济增添值占GDP的比重为17.73% ,比上年提高0.37个百分点。

Calculated at prices, the added value of the new growth drivers was around 22.35 trillion yuan ($3.13 trillion) last year, growing by 6.4 percent from the previous year, to the NBS.

国家统计局数据显示 ,经核算 ,2023年我国“三新”经济增添值为223528亿元 ,比上年增添6.4%。

A new involves the of new and technological achievements and new technologies to form a certain scale of new economic activities. A new business format involves new links, new chains and new forms derived from existing industries and fields, with technological innovation and application as key drivers. A new business model involves the integration and reorganization of elements of enterprise to the goal of value and sustainable profit, forming an efficient and competitive business operation mode.

新工业指应用新科技效果、新兴手艺而形成一定规模的新型经济运动。新业态指依托手艺立异和应用 ,从现有工业和领域中衍生叠加出的新环节、新链条、新运动形态。新商业模式指为实现用户价值和企业一连盈利目的 ,对企业谋划的种种内外要素举行整合和重组 ,形成高效并具有奇异竞争力的商业运行模式。

The added value of the “three new” measures the added value created by all permanent resident units of a (or region) engaged in “three new” economic activities a certain period of time, according to the NBS.



form a 形成a ; 普惠制产地证 ; 普惠制原产地证 ; 普惠制原产地证实书 ; 普惠证 ; 优惠原产地证

economic activities 经济运动 ; 经济行为

new business 新营业

derived from 泉源于

technological innovation 手艺立异 ; 科技立异 ; 手艺刷新 ; 科技刷新

business model 商业模式

reorganization 重组 ; 改组 ; 整理

enterprise operation 企业谋划

achieve the goal 实现目的 ; 抵达目的 ; 告竣目的

business operation 营业;企业谋划运动


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